Secondary sludge from the treatment of wastewater can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the location of the wastewater treatment plant. Examples of use are:
In order to keep the costs as low as possible in the event of disposal or to avoid unnecessary nitrogen input into the soil as well as the entry of potential heavy metals and microplastics when used as fertilizer, sludge treatment is required.
The intended use of the sludge results in the following different requirements for sludge treatment:
In order to bring the surplus sludge of a sewage treatment plant into exactly this condition, as required by the legal framework and your preferences, we use the following technologies, among others:
We offer you individual machines and turnkey system groups including control.
Dry lime dosing system for sludge stabilisation and to increase the solids concentration
Use of high-performance centrifuges for high solids contents and reduction of precipitant requirements
Biogest International® GmbH
Abwassertechnische Systeme
Berthold-Haupt-Str. 37
01257 Dresden, Germany